We are a national network of doctors, researchers, patients and families working together to improve our understanding of rare diseases and develop new tests and treatments.
Some of the Rudy Study's core team are listed below:
After completing medical training at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, London, UK, Dr Javaid specialized in adult rheumatology. During that time, he completed an ARC Clinical Fellowship at the University of Southampton examining maternal influences on bone mass of their offspring highlighting the potential of vitamin D and then ARC travelling fellowship at UCSF analysing the imaging of osteoarthritis.
He is Associate Professor in Metabolic Bone Disease/ Honorary consultant Rheumatologist at Oxford. His research interests include epidemiology of musculoskeletal diseases with a focus on rare diseases of the bone and secondary fracture prevention. He is the clinical lead for the co-chair for the International Osteoporosis Foundation Capture the Fracture programme and lead investigator for the RUDY study.
In 2001 Joe gained a degree in Creative Visualisation with a focus on animation. Since then he has developed a career in web development with an emphasis on design and user experience.
Joe joined NDORMS in 2011 and has developed numerous research platforms over that period. He has worked with Dr Javaid to develop the RUDY platform since it's inception, and is currently helping develop a new version of the platform to be launched soon.
Alison is the research co-ordinator for the RUDY study at Oxford. She has been involved with the study since it's inception and is responsible for participant communications. Her other resoponsibilities include ensuring the study complies with all good clinical practice and ethical guidelines, as well as supporting the many RUDY affiliated sites around the country.
Nathanael is a programmer for the Rudy study He has a degree in computer science and joined the project shortly after it started and now handles the majority of the development.